2011 was a year of a lot of ups and downs....mainly downs. With so many illnesses for myself and my family, I can only hope that this year goes a little smoother.
1. To use my camera every single day : If I am ever going to get any better at my craft, I have to put it in to practice. Thinking about photography will get me nowhere. Practicing photography will make a world of difference.
2. To pay down my debt: We have a considerable amount of debt and it never goes away.....it just piles up. Maybe it is because I have a wicked spending habit. Maybe it is because I can never justify paying off a bill in whole when there are trips to take. Whatever the reason is, the insanity stops this year. I would like to build up my credit score and start to save up for our own house.
3. To visit more art galleries: this sort of goes along with number 1. Seeing art helps an artist to create. It also helps me in school! You cant get a degree in Art Market: Principles and Practices if you never see the art people are talking about.
4. To start a family: While we are already working on this, it doesn't hurt to wish for some help in this department! It would be nice to have a new addition in 2012.
5. To build this blog: I would love to actually keep up with this blog on a daily basis. Not much is stopping me other than laziness and insecurity. This year, I want to write more, create more, and share more.
6. To get healthy: Whether it be losing weight, getting in shape or just not feeling so crappy on a daily basis, I need to make a change in order to see results. Hopefully, this year I will.
I think making a wish list is a little less scary than making a resolution. Hopefully my wishes will come true.
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