Almost two weeks ago, I visited the Volta and Independent art fairs in New York (I missed the Armory show and I am still bitter about it). I was exposed to an enormous amount of talent and art that I had not seen before. Out of the two fairs, I enjoyed the work at Volta more. There was a wide range of work, from photography, to painting, to digital art displayed on iPads. Everything was inspring and kicked my creativity into high speed.
I was seriously blown away by the artist Christa Joo D'Angelo, who was featured in the Galerie Suvi Lehtinen booth at Volta . D'Angelo made such an impact on me, that I am doing one of my final projects on her for school.
SURROUND SOUND 4.5 x 5 in, C-Print, Edition 20 - 2011
In her montages and collages, Christa combines editorial images and photography to create fine art mixed media pieces that are both appealing to the eye and intriguing. There is depth to each work. Each image has multiple layers of clothing and people, but when looked together as a whole, they come together to form a singular being. In some collages their are faces, but many are faceless fashionistas that D'Angelo has created by combining various editorial images.
Facehunter, 2012, Collage on Paper, 9,84 x 19.76 in/ 25 x 50.2 cm
D'Angelo's multi-layered work may very well be influenced by her multi-cultural background. The artist was born in South Korea of Korean - Italian American descent. She was raised in New York, attended college in Maryland and lives in Berlin, Germany. Her work is very conscious of society's lust for celebrities and constant visual appetite. Check out D'Angelo's blog here.
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